DIBS sign ups coming soon


DIBS- Volunteer opportunities

  • DIBS for each home game will be on the website as soon as we have game schedules- these will include Concessions, music, set up, clean up, zamboni, food for games days, 50/50 raffle, after school volunteering, on practice nights- cleaning locker rooms, restrooms, lobby and upstairs, etc.
  • Reminder Penalty boxes, score book and clock are reserved for parents of the team playing the game so they can watch their children play. It is our hope, like last year, that other teams will cover the Concessions, when their Child/Children are not playing
  • 5 dibs are required per child on Mini Mites, Mites and Squirts
  • 10 dibs are required per child on PeeWees, Bantams & Jr. Gold, with a cap of 20 for each family.

o    If you are a Board Member, Coach or Team Manager your required DIBS are cut in ½

  • DIBS are calculated by required DIBS x $20.00 a DIB. DIBS will be paid for upfront, before your child’s first practice. If not paid they will not practice, until we receive payment. If your required DIBS are not fulfilled in full by end of season, your check will be cashed or cash will be deposited and there are no refunds for partial completion of DIBS. (Your team manager has the total amount owed for each family)
  • 2 options

o    Fulfill DIBS throughout the season - Check is not cashed, cash not deposited!

o    Buyout your DIBS by writing a check/pay cash to the club and letting us know you are buying out your DIBS.

  • Family DIB requirements will be updated every other week and will be posted in the lobby so that you know where you are at for the season

Fundraising - $400 per Family – Combination of Raffle tickets and/or Pizza Sales

  • Each Family will be responsible for $400 of Fundraising

·         Each Family is responsible to sell at least 1 full book of raffle tickets, this will require a deposit of $200.00 (check or cash) to receive your book of tickets, when tickets and money are handed in, your deposit will be returned to you.

·         You may choose to sell 2 books of tickets to reach your required amount of $400.00 or a combination of 1 book of tickets and $200 or more in pizza sales.

·         If you are able to sell more than the required amount, please do so, the more you can help out the club the better!

·         At the end of Fundraising, which will be the end of February 2025, totals for each Family will be tallied and if you had $400 or more, you are good to go, if not your checks will be cashed or cash deposited.

  • 2 options

o    Fulfill fundraising requirement- Check is not cashed/cash not deposited!

o    Buy out your Fundraising by writing a check/pay cash to the club for $400

Please remember our club runs on volunteering, donations and fundraising. Many hands make light work.

Thank you, 

Northwood Hockey Boosters

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